Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year you old f****kers!

Oh this is going to get me into so much trouble - but hey.
I really dont care.

Getting older is my challenge for this year.
50 is the new 40?
Tell that to my aching joints!
Im now getting closer to 60 anyway.
60!! F**k!

When did that happen?
I have less time to live than more - that's scary.
But I need to live more in the moment... the now and make note of it.
I cant afford to wish even a day away anymore.
I cant wait for things to get better.
For me to get healthier
For me to get prettier
For me to have more money
That my friends..IS OVER
All I have is all I have and I better bloody make the best of it NOW
Because tomorrow may mean that some part of my body doesnt function as well anymore.
That's just the way it is.
I can dream of being 20 or 30 and in my head sometimes I am still there.
But the mirror does not lie.
The liver spots are appearing like freaking 'age tattoos"
Public hairs are turning grey and I cant see in the mornings until I put on my glasses.
So I'm gently dipping my toe into the new year of 2015 looking down the barrel of turning...ergh....57.
Now you may be saying ...what's your problem?!
If thats you then I suggest you find a lovely, flowery, blog filled with positive inspiration and lovely messages. Go now..
If you feel that your grip on life and reality is being challenged daily by a deep understanding that each change can be a challenge and that each moment holds the possibility that you can be, might be limited in your choices and that you have to push hard to remain strong - that you want to fight, and cry and scream and say - HEY WORLD...I AM F**KING STILL HERE...
Join me...


New Years Eve could have been more exciting for me but when you rather enjoy a quiet night in and the thought of being up after 1pm is just too hard - that could be a sign of getting older (or being just a f***ing boring twat).
That does not take into account those poor buggers who have to work, like to dear souls who had to turn up to work at our local Bunnings at 8am because that's what we Aussies do on the first day of the year - head to Bunnings to buy renovating items.
I am seriously thinking about my New Year's resolutions and ...wait...I didnt make any.
Now thats the way to go - why get upset over another thing!
Promises you just cant keep.
I like food.
I hate exercise - been there done that.
Not my cup of tea.
So I'm going to keep eating and will force myself to keep active ( because I do know its good for me)
As I need to be rather politically correct in my life due to still working with the general public it does not allow me the luxury of swearing (a lot) except in the company of friends.
But you are one of my friends right!? So I can swear here.
And I wont be apologising.
It will be a look at the dark side, and funny side of growing older.
And my aim is to do it uncomfortably and in total disgrace - kicking and screaming.
So I suggest to my two daughters...turn away now.

1 comment:

  1. Shit yeah!
    Now you're talking!
    Happy 2015 lover.
